hashicorp memberlist
memberlist用来管理分布式集群内节点发现、 节点失效探测、节点列表的软件包。
- 集群内的广播:集群的内的广播通过udp协议向每个节点发送消息,不确保消息一定能发送到,广播先
的注释。 - Push/Pull:每隔一个随机浮动的间隔,会随机选取一个节点,跟它建立tcp连接,然后将本地的全部节点 状态、用户数据发送过去,然后对端将其掌握的全部节点状态、用户数据发送回来,然后完成2份数据的合并。 此动作可以加速集群内信息的收敛速度。
- 通讯协议:使用udp协议传输PING消息、间接PING消息、ACK消息、NACK消息、Suspect消息、 Alive消息、Dead消息、用户消息;采用tcp协议传输用户数据、PING消息和PUSH-PULL消息。
个节点发起间接PING的请求和直接更其再发起一个tcp PING消息。
当探测一些节点失败时,或者suspect某个节点的信息时,会将本地对应的信息标记为suspect,然后启动一个 定时器,并发出一个suspect广播,此期间内如果收到其他节点发来的相同的suspect信息时,将本地suspect的 确认数+1,当定时器超时后,该节点信息仍然不是alive的,且确认数达到要求,会将该节点标记为dead。
当本节点离开集群时或者本地探测的其他节点超时被标记死亡,会向集群发送本节点dead广播。收到dead广播 消息的节点会跟本地的记录比较,当本地记录也是dead时会忽略消息,当本地的记录不是dead时,会删除本地 的记录再将dead消息再次广播出去,形成再次传播。
如果从其他节点收到自身的dead广播消息时,说明本节点相对于其他节点网络分区,此时会发起一个alive广播 以修正其他节点上存储的本节点数据。
为了避免循环广播造成广播风暴,每个节点用一个uint32 Incarnation
type Config struct {
// 节点名称,应该在集群内是唯一的
Name string
// 通信层面的抽象,下面有介绍,如果用户不配置,使用内部默认的
Transport Transport
// 本地监听的IP和端口,端口同时使用udp和tcp
BindAddr string
BindPort int
// Configuration related to what address to advertise to other
// cluster members. Used for nat traversal.
AdvertiseAddr string
AdvertisePort int
// ProtocolVersion is the configured protocol version that we
// will _speak_. This must be between ProtocolVersionMin and
// ProtocolVersionMax.
ProtocolVersion uint8
// TCPTimeout is the timeout for establishing a stream connection with
// a remote node for a full state sync, and for stream read and write
// operations. This is a legacy name for backwards compatibility, but
// should really be called StreamTimeout now that we have generalized
// the transport.
TCPTimeout time.Duration
// IndirectChecks is the number of nodes that will be asked to perform
// an indirect probe of a node in the case a direct probe fails. Memberlist
// waits for an ack from any single indirect node, so increasing this
// number will increase the likelihood that an indirect probe will succeed
// at the expense of bandwidth.
IndirectChecks int
// RetransmitMult is the multiplier for the number of retransmissions
// that are attempted for messages broadcasted over gossip. The actual
// count of retransmissions is calculated using the formula:
// Retransmits = RetransmitMult * log(N+1)
// This allows the retransmits to scale properly with cluster size. The
// higher the multiplier, the more likely a failed broadcast is to converge
// at the expense of increased bandwidth.
RetransmitMult int
// SuspicionMult is the multiplier for determining the time an
// inaccessible node is considered suspect before declaring it dead.
// The actual timeout is calculated using the formula:
// SuspicionTimeout = SuspicionMult * log(N+1) * ProbeInterval
// This allows the timeout to scale properly with expected propagation
// delay with a larger cluster size. The higher the multiplier, the longer
// an inaccessible node is considered part of the cluster before declaring
// it dead, giving that suspect node more time to refute if it is indeed
// still alive.
SuspicionMult int
// SuspicionMaxTimeoutMult is the multiplier applied to the
// SuspicionTimeout used as an upper bound on detection time. This max
// timeout is calculated using the formula:
// SuspicionMaxTimeout = SuspicionMaxTimeoutMult * SuspicionTimeout
// If everything is working properly, confirmations from other nodes will
// accelerate suspicion timers in a manner which will cause the timeout
// to reach the base SuspicionTimeout before that elapses, so this value
// will typically only come into play if a node is experiencing issues
// communicating with other nodes. It should be set to a something fairly
// large so that a node having problems will have a lot of chances to
// recover before falsely declaring other nodes as failed, but short
// enough for a legitimately isolated node to still make progress marking
// nodes failed in a reasonable amount of time.
SuspicionMaxTimeoutMult int
// PushPullInterval is the interval between complete state syncs.
// Complete state syncs are done with a single node over TCP and are
// quite expensive relative to standard gossiped messages. Setting this
// to zero will disable state push/pull syncs completely.
// Setting this interval lower (more frequent) will increase convergence
// speeds across larger clusters at the expense of increased bandwidth
// usage.
PushPullInterval time.Duration
// ProbeInterval and ProbeTimeout are used to configure probing
// behavior for memberlist.
// ProbeInterval is the interval between random node probes. Setting
// this lower (more frequent) will cause the memberlist cluster to detect
// failed nodes more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth usage.
// ProbeTimeout is the timeout to wait for an ack from a probed node
// before assuming it is unhealthy. This should be set to 99-percentile
// of RTT (round-trip time) on your network.
ProbeInterval time.Duration
ProbeTimeout time.Duration
// DisableTcpPings will turn off the fallback TCP pings that are attempted
// if the direct UDP ping fails. These get pipelined along with the
// indirect UDP pings.
DisableTcpPings bool
// AwarenessMaxMultiplier will increase the probe interval if the node
// becomes aware that it might be degraded and not meeting the soft real
// time requirements to reliably probe other nodes.
AwarenessMaxMultiplier int
// GossipInterval and GossipNodes are used to configure the gossip
// behavior of memberlist.
// GossipInterval is the interval between sending messages that need
// to be gossiped that haven't been able to piggyback on probing messages.
// If this is set to zero, non-piggyback gossip is disabled. By lowering
// this value (more frequent) gossip messages are propagated across
// the cluster more quickly at the expense of increased bandwidth.
// GossipNodes is the number of random nodes to send gossip messages to
// per GossipInterval. Increasing this number causes the gossip messages
// to propagate across the cluster more quickly at the expense of
// increased bandwidth.
// GossipToTheDeadTime is the interval after which a node has died that
// we will still try to gossip to it. This gives it a chance to refute.
GossipInterval time.Duration
GossipNodes int
GossipToTheDeadTime time.Duration
// EnableCompression is used to control message compression. This can
// be used to reduce bandwidth usage at the cost of slightly more CPU
// utilization. This is only available starting at protocol version 1.
EnableCompression bool
// SecretKey is used to initialize the primary encryption key in a keyring.
// The primary encryption key is the only key used to encrypt messages and
// the first key used while attempting to decrypt messages. Providing a
// value for this primary key will enable message-level encryption and
// verification, and automatically install the key onto the keyring.
// The value should be either 16, 24, or 32 bytes to select AES-128,
// AES-192, or AES-256.
SecretKey []byte
// The keyring holds all of the encryption keys used internally. It is
// automatically initialized using the SecretKey and SecretKeys values.
Keyring *Keyring
// Delegate and Events are delegates for receiving and providing
// data to memberlist via callback mechanisms. For Delegate, see
// the Delegate interface. For Events, see the EventDelegate interface.
// The DelegateProtocolMin/Max are used to guarantee protocol-compatibility
// for any custom messages that the delegate might do (broadcasts,
// local/remote state, etc.). If you don't set these, then the protocol
// versions will just be zero, and version compliance won't be done.
Delegate Delegate
DelegateProtocolVersion uint8
DelegateProtocolMin uint8
DelegateProtocolMax uint8
// 当集群内有节点加入、离开、元数据变更都会触发EventDelegate回调
Events EventDelegate
// 当`Name`和`AdvertiseAddr`/`AdvertisePort`不对应时,会触发ConflictDelegate
// 回调
Conflict ConflictDelegate
// 当某节点Join该集群时,集群内的每个节点会触发MergeDelegate的接口一次,用于
// 接受新节点的数据。该接口可以是nil。
Merge MergeDelegate
// 当探测其他节点时,会触发相关ping接口
Ping PingDelegate
Alive AliveDelegate
// DNSConfigPath points to the system's DNS config file, usually located
// at /etc/resolv.conf. It can be overridden via config for easier testing.
DNSConfigPath string
// LogOutput is the writer where logs should be sent. If this is not
// set, logging will go to stderr by default. You cannot specify both LogOutput
// and Logger at the same time.
LogOutput io.Writer
// Logger is a custom logger which you provide. If Logger is set, it will use
// this for the internal logger. If Logger is not set, it will fall back to the
// behavior for using LogOutput. You cannot specify both LogOutput and Logger
// at the same time.
Logger *log.Logger
// Size of Memberlist's internal channel which handles UDP messages. The
// size of this determines the size of the queue which Memberlist will keep
// while UDP messages are handled.
HandoffQueueDepth int
// Maximum number of bytes that memberlist will put in a packet (this
// will be for UDP packets by default with a NetTransport). A safe value
// for this is typically 1400 bytes (which is the default). However,
// depending on your network's MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) you may
// be able to increase this to get more content into each gossip packet.
// This is a legacy name for backward compatibility but should really be
// called PacketBufferSize now that we have generalized the transport.
UDPBufferSize int
type Delegate interface {
// 当节点上线或更新时,框架层通过该接口获取本节点的元数据,limit为元数据上限
NodeMeta(limit int) []byte
// 当节点收到一个其他节点发送的user-data的数据,会触发该回调函数,该函数不能时阻塞调用,
// 否则会阻塞内部逻辑环节。其他节点调用SendTo/SendBestEffort/SendReliable发送的和Delegate的
// GetBroadcasts返回的数据的数据会触发该回调
// 当内部状态可以广播数据时,会调用该接口,返回的数据会广播给每个节点,
// 触发节点的Delegate的NotifyMsg回调。
// overhead是buffer内已经被占用的字节数,limit是buffer大小,limit-overhead
// 是用户可以发送的数据大小
GetBroadcasts(overhead, limit int) [][]byte
// Push/Pull通过该接口获取用户数据,随着Push/Pull请求进行交换, 当调用memberlist.Join
// 加入到某一个存在的集群是,会向指定列表内的全部节点发起一次Push/Pull请求。因此,使用
// join=true来标识是是Jion操作,join=false为定期的Push/Pull请求。
// 该接口返回的数据发送到对端时,会触发对端的MergeRemoteState接口。
LocalState(join bool) []byte
MergeRemoteState(buf []byte, join bool)
type Transport interface {
// 传入Config中的AdvertiseAddr和AdvertisePort,返回给上层一个用于告知
// 集群内其他成员的本节点ip和端口
FinalAdvertiseAddr(ip string, port int) (net.IP, int, error)
// 向指定addr发送一段数据,返回完成通信的当前时刻,该时刻可以用来判断RTT
WriteTo(b []byte, addr string) (time.Time, error)
// PacketCh 返回一个chan,当每从其他成员收到一个udp报文时,将报文封装成
// *Packet写入该chan,上层逻辑通过该chan读取udp信息。
PacketCh() <-chan *Packet
// 创建一个TCP连接给上层使用
DialTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
// 返回一个chan,每当本地tcp端口收到一个连接,通过该chan交由上层处理.
StreamCh() <-chan net.Conn
// 退出时,调用该函数,释放相关通信资源。
Shutdown() error